Cao, YuanzhiBontrager-Singer, JacobZamani Farahani, Mahmoud R.Meng, Dennis D.Yu, Whitney H.Zhu, Likun2016-04-082016-04-082014-10Cao, Y., Bontrager-Singer, J., Farahani, M. R. Z., Meng, D. D., Yu, W. H., & Zhu, L. (2014). Development of a microfluidic gas generator from QQQAN efficient film-based microfabrication method. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014, (pp. 1698–1700) report the development of a microfluidic gas generator using polymer film-based microfabrication method. The method is time and cost efficient and capable of fabricating microfluidic devices with feature resolution lower than 100 μm. Complicated 3-dimentional devices can be fabricated by aligning and stacking multiple layers of patterned polymer (polystyrene, polycarbonate) films and double-sided tapes which are obtained from a digital craft-cutter. Integrated with functional features like Pt catalyst, the device can generate a variety of gas (O2, H2, etc) through controllable catalytic reaction.enPublisher Policymicrofluidic gas generatorpolystyrenefilm-based microfabricationDevelopment of a microfluidic gas generator from QQQAN efficient film-based microfabrication methodArticle