Aljubran, HananYattselev, Maxim L.2019-05-102019-05-102019-01Aljubran, H., & Yattselev, M. L. (2019). An asymptotic expansion for the expected number of real zeros of real random polynomials spanned by OPUC. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 469(1), 428–446. {φi}∞i=0 be a sequence of orthonormal polynomials on the unit circle with respect to a positive Borel measure μ that is symmetric with respect to conjugation. We study asymptotic behavior of the expected number of real zeros, say En(μ), of random polynomials Pn(z):=∑i=0nηiφi(z), where η0,…,ηn are i.i.d. standard Gaussian random variables. When μ is the acrlength measure such polynomials are called Kac polynomials and it was shown by Wilkins that En(|dξ|) admits an asymptotic expansion of the form En(|dξ|)∼2πlog(n+1)+∑p=0∞Ap(n+1)−p (Kac himself obtained the leading term of this expansion). In this work we generalize the result of Wilkins to the case where μ is absolutely continuous with respect to arclength measure and its Radon-Nikodym derivative extends to a holomorphic non-vanishing function in some neighborhood of the unit circle. In this case En(μ) admits an analogous expansion with coefficients the Ap depending on the measure μ for p≥1 (the leading order term and A0 remain the same).enPublisher Policyrandom polynomialsorthogonal polynomials on the unit circleexpected number of real zerosAn asymptotic expansion for the expected number of real zeros of real random polynomials spanned by OPUCArticle