Li, JiaminLiu, YuhongCui, LiangHuo, NanAssad, Syed M.Li, XiaoyingOu, Z. Y.2019-03-152019-03-152018-05Li, J., Liu, Y., Cui, L., Huo, N., Assad, S. M., Li, X., & Ou, Z. Y. (2018). Joint measurement of multiple noncommuting parameters. Physical Review A, 97(5), 052127. quantum metrology allows us to make precision measurements beyond the standard quantum limit, it mostly works on the measurement of only one observable due to the Heisenberg uncertainty relation on the measurement precision of noncommuting observables for one system. In this paper, we study the schemes of joint measurement of multiple observables which do not commute with each other using the quantum entanglement between two systems. We focus on analyzing the performance of a SU(1,1) nonlinear interferometer on fulfilling the task of joint measurement. The results show that the information encoded in multiple noncommuting observables on an optical field can be simultaneously measured with a signal-to-noise ratio higher than the standard quantum limit, and the ultimate limit of each observable is still the Heisenberg limit. Moreover, we find a resource conservation rule for the joint measurement.enPublisher Policymultiple noncommuting parametersjoint measurementsignal-to-noise ratioJoint measurement of multiple noncommuting parametersArticle