Robinson, CoryFord, AllisonHolder, DawnColeman, Aaron2024-06-132024-06-132024 utilization of embodied histories, matriarchal traditions, and timeless materials, my artistic practice serves as a visual language that fosters empathy by inviting viewers to reflect on their own lives. This exploration encompasses themes of motherhood, domesticity, nature, memory, and place, intertwining personal narratives with universal experiences. By employing millennia-old materials such as clay, wood, and metal, imbued with rich craft histories, my work facilitates connection ans communication with others, ultimately acting as a therapeutic endeavor that nurtures empathy.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEmbodied historymatriarchydomesticityempathymaterial intelligencequotidianEmbodied History: The Pursuit of Empathy through Women’s Work and Material Intelligence