Choi, In KwonMishra, SwatiHarris, KyleRaveendranath, Nirmal KumarChilders, TaylorReda, Khairi2019-01-222019-01-222018I. K. Choi, S. Mishra, K. Harris, N. K. Raveendranath, T. Childers, K. Reda. Poster at the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). 2018. IEEE of data provide a proven method for analysts to explore and make data-driven discoveries. However, current visualization tools provide only limited support for hypothesis-driven analyses, and often lack capabilities that would allow users to visually test the fit of their conceptual models against the data. This imbalance could bias users to overly rely on exploratory visual analysis as the principal mode of inquiry, which can be detrimental to discovery. To address this gap, we propose a new paradigm for 'concept-driven' visual analysis. In this style of analysis, analysts share their conceptual models and hypotheses with the system. The system then uses those inputs to drive the generation of visualizations, while providing plots and interactions to explore places where models and data disagree. We discuss key characteristics and design considerations for concept-driven visualizations, and report preliminary findings from a formative study.en-USVisual analyticsData visualizationMental modelsTowards Concept-Driven Visual AnalyticsPoster