Waechter-Versaw, AmyPrice, Jeremy F.Murray, Ryan P.Magee, PaulaWilley, CraigSantamaría Graff, CristinaKnoors, AJKirby, Gabrielle2023-02-202023-02-202021https://hdl.handle.net/1805/31334This working paper describes a Teacher Network designed to provide remote and distributed professional development to teachers across the state post pandemic. The network intended to impact teachers’ perceptions about equitable and inclusive uses of technology, decisions about curricular materials, and their perceptions of cultural positionality and dispositions for engaging with students. This concept provided opportunities to learn about how to engage teachers around strengthening their criticality and the affordances of collaborative professional learning, by centering teacher voice and fostering teacher agency in disrupting the status quo in k-12 education.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationalteacher learningonline professional developmentequityinclusiontechnologyteacher networkpandemic-era teacher developmentCEISL Teacher Network Concept & DesignWorking Paper