Burke Draucker, ClaireRawl, Susan M.Vode, EmileeCarter-Harris, Lisa2023-04-132023-04-132020-12Draucker CB, Rawl SM, Vode E, Carter-Harris L. Integration Through Connecting in Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Studies. West J Nurs Res. 2020;42(12):1137-1147. doi:10.1177/0193945920914647https://hdl.handle.net/1805/32380The purposes of this methods article are to (a) discuss how integration can occur through a connecting approach in explanatory sequential mixed methods studies, (b) describe a connecting strategy developed for a study testing a conceptual model to predict lung cancer screening, and (c) describe three analytic products developed by subsequent integration procedures enabled by the connecting strategy. Connecting occurs when numeric data from a quantitative strand of a study are used to select a sample to be interviewed for a subsequent qualitative strand. Because researchers often do not fully exploit numeric data for this purpose, we developed a multi-step systematic sampling strategy that produced an interview sample of eight subgroups of five persons (n = 40) whose profiles converged with or diverged from the conceptual model in specified ways. The subgroups facilitated the development of tailored interview guides, in-depth narrative summaries, and exemplar case studies to expand the quantitative findings.en-USPublisher PolicyConnectingExplanatory sequential designsInterview guidesMixed methodsIntegration Through Connecting in Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method StudiesArticle