Schendel, Tory L.2015-09-222015-09-222013-04-05Schendel, Tory L. (2013, April 5). Albrecht Dürer: changes in his artwork during the Reformation. . Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2013, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractThe research conducted is to explain the stylistic changes that occurred in Albrecht Dürer’s art during the transitioning period from medieval to Renaissance. By acquiring Dürer’s Nachlass [private diary] from the IU Lily Library and reading literature from the top medieval and Renaissance specialists, such as David Price, Andrew Morrall, and Erwin Panofsky, the influence stemmed from Dürer’s new found faith in Lutheranism. No longer did Dürer focus solely on monograms, he introduced the art of triptychs. Studies believe that Dürer only created triptychs while working in Giovanni Bellini’s workshop, but this study allots reasoning to the Reformation.en-USAlbrecht DürerReformationLutheranismmonogramstriptychsGiovanni BelliniAlbrecht Dürer: changes in his artwork during the ReformationPoster