Cho, SopanisMohammed, MuddasirStone, Sean M.2023-04-052023-04-052022-10-06 International Dentist Program (IDP) matriculates dentists graduated from outside the United States through an accelerated 30-month version of the traditional DDS program so that they can take board examinations and attain a U.S. DDS. As much as possible, IDP students study with cohorts of students in the traditional DDS program. This can prove challenging, however, as IDP students represent myriad differences in education, training, culture, and life experiences. Because of this, the early portion of the IDP curriculum ensures that student preclinical and other skills are equilibrated to similar levels so that they can effectively merge with their peers from the traditional DDS program. IDP students’ matriculation is staggered from traditional DDS students and when they join them as classmates the D2s have already spent one and a half years together forging relationships and adjusting to being dental students. Because of this and their diverse backgrounds, IDP’s have reported significant challenges that can hopefully be addressed by changing the climate with a program of improved communication and events.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalDEIInternational StudentsDentistry EducationInternational Dentist ProgramKnowing Me, Knowing You, Bringing International and Traditional Dental Students TogetherPoster