Hook, Sara AnneAnkenbruck, Mary2013-05-152013-05-152013-04-23Peer-Reviewed Poster Session, Robert G. Bringle Civic Engagement Showcase and Symposium (CESS) bringshttps://hdl.handle.net/1805/3310The Calnali Microfinance Project officially began in March 2010 with a visit from a delegation from IUPUI. Three years of data clearly demonstrate the feasibility of microfinance, even in the most remote areas of a country and in communities which have not had a tradition of entrepreneurship. The poster will emphasize the importance of partnerships between universities, non-profit organizations at the local, national and international level and leaders in the host community in setting a foundation for long-term success. Among the partner organizations that continue to be integral to the project are Rotary clubs in Indiana, Missouri and Mexico, the Rotarian Action Group for Microfinance, Pro Mujer, the IUPUI BiCCHEC Signature Center, the IUPUI Center for Service and Friends of Hidalgo. The support of newly elected leadership in Calnali was essential in providing the on-the-ground advocacy and cultural/political sensitivity that are necessary to move forward with this type of project. The lessons learned from the project transcend national boundaries. Recent research findings show that what women who participate in microfinance programs want as outcomes are universal: food for their families, a roof over their heads and educational opportunities for their children. The poster will feature photographs of the people and the region, the project website and a brief video. It will provide the most current performance indicators for the project and highlight plans for sustaining and expanding its capacity in the future, such as a major grant proposal to Rotary International and providing health services to the community.en-USmicrofinanceMexicocommunity partnersservice learningeconomic developmentcivic entrepreneurshipThe Calnali Microfinance Project: Three-Year Retrospective and Future Initiatives [poster]Presentation