2021-02-162021-02-162021-02https://hdl.handle.net/1805/25247As the one-year anniversary of the pandemic approaches, this report takes account of charities around the world that have been performing their duties under extreme pressure. While many organizations have been forced to close during the past year, those with sustained operations have shown remarkable grit and determination in the face of new challenges caused by the COVID-19 virus. In its sixth COVID-19 survey from December 2–16, 2020, CAF America, in partnership with Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and The Resource Alliance, polled 805 charitable organizations representing 152 countries to learn about the skills these resilient charities have relied on to persevere and those they are focused on strengthening as they continue to provide services through the pandemic and strive to emerge stronger than before.en-USnonprofitsCOVID-19charitiescapacity buildingFuture-Proofing Nonprofits for the Post-Pandemic WorldTechnical Report