Schubert, Peter J.Izadian, AfshinWheeler, J. W.2020-09-182020-09-182019Schubert, P. J., Izadian, A., & Wheeler, J. W. (2019). Abandoned Mine Voids for Pumped Storage Hydro. Insights in Mining Science & Technology, 1(3), 68–74. Storage Hydro (PSH) is geographically limited but can expand greatly if abandoned subsurface coal mines are leveraged for the lower reservoir. Such lands are already permitted, generally less desirable, and found in regions eager for job creation. Vertical stacking of the upper and lower reservoirs is an efficient use of the land. Water can be raised by electric pumps as part of energy arbitrage; however, water can also be raised with Hydraulic Wind Turbines. HWTs are far less costly than traditional electric turbines, and start-up at lower wind speeds - thereby extending their geographic range. The HWT masts can serve double duty as tent poles to support translucent architectural fabric over the surface lake. This prevents evaporation and ingress of wildlife, and provides an interior space useful for non-electric revenue, such as aquaculture and greenhouses. Water cycled through the system can, in some cases, supplement local sources. Seepage through water tables replenishes clean water. Subsurface water is cool and can be circulated through server farms in data centers which represents a potential revenue source that can be started up well in advance of the primary energy storage operation. Combined, these factors bring an innovative solution to site selection, design, and engineering for PSH which promises accelerated commissioning and permitting, and low-cost operation. The bottom line for communities in Coal Country is more jobs and cheaper power.enAttribution 4.0 Internationalabandoned mine landspumped storage hydrowind turbinesAbandoned Mine Voids for Pumped Storage HydroArticle