Indiana State Board of Health2011-01-252011-01-251902Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1902); 4(9): 97-108.0019-6754 of mortality statistics for September, 1902 p. 97 / Smallpox in September p. 98 / Vaccine and Antitoxins p. 98 / Compulsory vaccination at Orleans p. 100 / Wants clean bed linen p. 100 / The Tampico schoolhouse p. 101 / Constumptive teachers p. 101 / Children with smallpox in school p. 102 / Vaccination in England p. 103 / Laboratory of Hygiene: A bill for an act creating a State Laboratory of Hygiene p. 103 / The havoc done by consumption in September p. 104 / Magnetic healing no more p. 104 / Chart showing geographical distribution of deaths from certain communicable diseases in September, 1902 p. 105 / Deaths in Indiana by geographical sections and counties during the month of September, 1902 p. 106 / Deaths in Indiana by cities during the month of September, 1902 p. 107 / Morality of Indiana for September, 1902 p. 108 / Meteorological summary for September, 1902 p. 108IndianaDescriptive StatisticsAge-specific death rateCause-specific death rateInfant mortalityHomicideSuicideSmallpoxTuberculosisVaccinationAlternative MedicineAnimal ExperimentationAnimal TestingAppellate CourtsBedding and LinensBlanketsBoardinghousesCattleCause of DeathChild, OrphanedClothingCost-Benefit AnalysisCox, EdgarCucumbersCulture MediumDeath CertificatesDiagnostic ErrorDiphtheria AntitoxinDisease TransmissionDrug StorageDubois CountyElgin, W.F.Frederick Stearns & Co. (Detroit, MI)Fulton CountyFundingGlycerineGrocery StoresGuinea PigsH.K. Mulford Company (Philadelphia, PA)Highland (City)Hoffman, G.E.HorsesHotels and MotelsHoward CountyHunter, F.S.Jackson CountyJay CountyKenyon, J.J.Kokomo (City)Laboratory AnimalsLaboratory of Hygiene BillLaunderingLaundry and Dry Cleaning WorkersLawrence CountyLoomis, E.C.Magnetic HealingMarion CountyMcKelney, S.R.Modoc (City)NapkinsOrange CountyOrleans (City)Parks, George W.Perrysville (City)Pharmaceutical and Medicine ManufacturingPorrigoPostal ServiceRabbitsRandolph CountyRed Key (City)Ridpath, H.W.RingwormRoss, Dr.SanitationSchererville (City)School AttendanceSchool BuildingsSmallpox VaccineStaphylococcusTampico (City)TeachersTesting LaboratoriesTowelsTrenary, D.F.Truancy (Schools)TuberculosisTyphoidUnion CityVaccination, CompulsoryVermillion CountyWilson, Geo. R.Indiana State Board of Health Bulletin, 1902 Vol. 4 No. 9