Kokoska, Ryan E.Kim, Lori S.Szeto, Mindy D.Aukerman, Erica L.Dellavalle, Robert P.2024-02-132024-02-132022-10-26Kokoska RE, Kim LS, Szeto MD, Aukerman EL, Dellavalle RP. Top Pediatric Dermatology Twitter Post Characteristics and Trends From 2020 to 2021: Content Analysis. JMIR Dermatol. 2022;5(4):e37029. Published 2022 Oct 26. doi:10.2196/37029https://hdl.handle.net/1805/38461en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalTwitterContent analysisDermatologyPediatric dermatologyPediatricsSocial mediaSocial media engagementTop Pediatric Dermatology Twitter Post Characteristics and Trends From 2020 to 2021: Content AnalysisArticle