Kochhar, KomalHo, MonlingKhan, Mariam2024-04-222024-04-222023-11Kochhar K, Ho M, Khan M. “2023 Indiana Family Medicine Residencies Exit Survey Report” For the Indiana Medical Education Board, November 2023https://hdl.handle.net/1805/40129In order to plan effective healthcare workforce development initiatives, it is important to understand the reasons why Indiana family medicine residents choose to practice in specific locations. Thus, having a better understanding of the factors that influence how residents choose a practice location will help improve efforts to recruit and retain family medicine physicians in areas of need within the state. The 2023 Indiana Family Medicine Residencies Exit Survey© marks the 12th consecutive year of determining what these physicians plan to do after graduation; and, for those planning to primarily provide clinical care, to determine where they plan to practice. In addition, the survey also obtained overall feedback on the residents’ training and their program’s curricula, as well as ideas and suggestions for improvement.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalGraduate medical educationFamily MedicineResidentsExit survey2023 Indiana Family Medicine Residencies Exit Survey ReportReport