Athanasiadis, DimitriosHilgendorf, WilliamKubicki, NataliaBanerjee, Ambar2022-02-212022-02-212020-12Athanasiadis, D. I., Hilgendorf, W., Kubicki, N., & Banerjee, A. (2020). Are Perceived Barriers to Exercise and Level of Interest in Fitness Programs Different Between Preoperative and Postoperative Bariatric Surgery Groups? Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care, 15(4), 193–198. Exercise following bariatric surgery is associated with better outcomes. We aimed to assess the level of interest in fitness programs, self-reported exercise duration, and perceived obstacles for exercising in bariatric patients. Materials and Methods: All patients who presented to our hospital for any bariatric clinic visit were administered a questionnaire, which explored their interest in a free 10-min DVD-based workout (DW) versus an internet-based workout (IW), average duration of exercise per week, and two perceived obstacles to exercise. Results: One hundred fifty-nine preoperative and 135 postoperative patients were surveyed. Overall, there was more interest in DW than in IW. The mean duration of exercise in the preop group was 89 ± 92.1 min/week, whereas the postop group reported 84.4 ± 103.7 min/week (p = 0.717). Time was the most frequent obstacle in both groups, whereas orthopedic discomfort was reported less frequently in the postoperative compared with the preoperative population (7% vs. 18.1%, respectively, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Despite the postoperative group reporting less orthopedic pain, mean exercise time per week was the same as the preoperative group. Time constraints were the most frequently reported barrier in both groups, suggesting a pathway for intervention.enPublisher Policybariatric surgeryinterest in fitnessbarriers to exerciseAre Perceived Barriers to Exercise and Level of Interest in Fitness Programs Different Between Preoperative and Postoperative Bariatric Surgery Groups?Article