Neira, IsabellaMahoney, AhnnaBerger, TheresaGodshall, KathleenWeber, Ciara2024-11-072024-11-072024-10-25 presentation will highlight the ways in which both student staff and supervisors at the University of Minnesota’s Digital Library Services unit (DLS) have embraced Joan Tronto’s fifth feminist ethic of care on plurality, communication, trust and respect, and care to create a modern, supportive work environment in special collections digitization. Through student testimonials and accompanying commentary from supervisors, we will highlight the ways in which these particular qualities are represented in our approaches to holistic decision-making, project delegation, assessment of personal interests, development of close mentoring relationships, and serving communities of users. Our presentation will reflect the reciprocal, relationship-centered environment we have fostered in DLS by featuring a text-messaging like format. We choose this style not only because it represents the modern nature of the work we do, but also because it demonstrates the camaraderie and open communication that defines DLS as a unit.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalSharing is Caring: Implementing an Ethic of Care at UMN's Digital Library ServicesPresentation