Killian, Larita J.Garcia Agreda, SergioPérez Escobar, Mariana2023-06-282023-06-282022Killian, L. J., Garcia Agreda, S., & Pérez Escobar, M. (2022). Helping scholars advance their research agenda. International Conference of Entrepreneurship, Education and Digital Transformation, 59–77. developed a qualitative research workshop to help full-time and part-time faculty develop or recharge their skills and advance their research agenda. Though originally designed for faculty, the workshop attracted graduate students and administrators (many who serve in dual roles). The workshop is condensed, comprising several hours of individual preparation and ten hours of group activities, and it covers the following learning objectives: position your research question within a research paradigm, identify and manage ethical issues, select a qualitative model for your research, plan data collection techniques, collect and code your data, and identify strategies for success. Though intended to be inspirational and motivational, this goal is also realistic and relevant, and has proven to boost qualitative research activity. Based on currently available evidence, the workshop is effective in helping faculty, administrators, and graduate students advance their research agenda. We anticipate this conclusion will be sustained as systematic evaluation data becomes available.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalresearch agendaworkshoplearning objectivesHelping scholars advance their research agendaConference proceedings