Towers, George W.Zoeller, Aimee N.Wills, Katherine2021-10-152021-10-152020-04-16Zoeller, A. N., Towers, G., & Wills, K. (2020). Experiencing Our Town: In the words of immigrant women. ENGAGE! Co-Created Knowledge Serving the City, 1(2), Article 2. multifacted experiences of being a woman and an immigrant in Indiana was co-discovered and articulated through writing workshops supported by Indiana University Purdue University faculty and staff.  The writing workshop participants were photographed near community landmarks.  Their narratives, along with the photographs, were displayed in public spaces, including City Hall.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalIndianaimmigrationimmigrant womenphotographyExperiencing Our Town : In the words of immigrant womenArticle