Hook, Sara AnneTennant, FelisaJones, JosetteDefazio, Joseph2014-10-162014-10-162014-10-10Presented at the Sixth Annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Conference, Maryville University, Oct. 10, 2014.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/5305Learning Outcomes: 1. Examine creativity in the context of teaching and learning. 2. Describe ways to enhance creativity in face-to-face, online and hybrid courses, courses in a variety of disciplines and courses at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. 3. Provide specific examples of assignments and other pedagogical techniques to enhance creativity. 4. Reflect on whether these assignments and other pedagogical techniques did result in students demonstrating creativity or critical thinking. 5. Discuss how creativity might be assessed in higher education courses. 6. Offer suggestions for how faculty members can stay engaged and motivated as teachers by exploring their own creativity. 7. Participate in an interactive online activities that will encourage creativity and demonstrate how easily these kinds of activities can be incorporated into a course. 8. Reflect upon the lessons learned from participating in the interactive online activities and how this enhanced participants’ beliefs about creativity.This engaging session will feature four faculty members from one school who have incorporated a number of pedagogical and technological approaches into their courses to encourage creativity in their students while continuing to nurture their own creativity as a way to stay motivated, innovative and engaged as teachers. It will include an interactive online activities for participants with an opportunity for self-reflection and illustrate some options for encouraging and assessing creativity in higher education. The session will review current research on creativity and distill the findings into practical applications for generating a learner-centered environment in any kind of classroom setting.en-USCreativityTeachingLearningOnline ooursesHybrid coursesEnhancing Creativity in Teaching and Learning in Online, Face-to-Face and Hybrid CoursesPresentation