O'Loughlin, Valerie DeanDunham, Stacey MarieBrokaw, James J.Husmann, Polly R.Park-Rogers, Meredith A.2018-08-292018-08-292018-08https://hdl.handle.net/1805/17244https://doi.org/10.7912/C28935http://dx.doi.org/10.7912/C2/2115Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Ongoing changes to medical education curricula in the United States require continued evaluation of best practices for maintaining and enhancing anatomical education in medical schools. The purpose of this study was to identify the impacts of incorporating an alternating dissection schedule, peer teaching, and self-directed learning (SDL) in the Human Gross Anatomy (A550-551) laboratory for students in the first year of medical school at Indiana University School of Medicine, Bloomington (IUSM-BL). The researcher sought to determine the impacts of peer teaching and dissection on student gross anatomy grades, to explore the underling perceived effects of peer teaching on the student gross anatomy experience, and to explain how a gross anatomy course, specifically the laboratory component, could contribute to the development of SDL. A mixed method design was selected to combine the analytic strengths of quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative analysis using a generalized estimating equation determined the act of dissection had an impact on students’ abilities to correctly identify structures on human gross anatomy assessments. An analysis of variance determined that student gross anatomy final grades, lecture exam averages, laboratory practical exam averages were unchanged when incorporating peer teaching and alternating dissections into the laboratory sessions. A grounded theory methodology identified perceived changes in the student experience in A550-551 through analysis of student interviews, instructor interviews, and course assignments. In conclusion, the researcher determined that active dissection is a critical component in gross anatomy; however, peer teaching and alternating dissections offset the negative impacts of reduced dissections hours through: increased active dissection time, decreased intragroup conflict, new opportunities to develop teaching and communication skills, and increased efficiency in the anatomy laboratory classroom. Additionally, this research described suggestions for future successful implementations of SDL in A5500-551. These findings provide information for educators at IUSM-BL as they make revisions to meet curricular demands and inform ongoing discussions in anatomy education related to the importance of dissection, time for laboratory experiences, and the continued goal for excellence in educating students.en-USAnatomy educationMedical educationPeer teachingSelf-directed learningImpacts on student learning and the gross anatomy experience in medical education with the implementation of reciprocal peer teaching and self-directed learningDissertation10.7912/C28935