Meslin, Eric M.Alyea, Jennifer M.Helft, Paul R.2009-06-292009-06-292009-06-29 Recommendations are proposed: 1. the State must identify all healthcare workers who are deemed to be critically necessary during the pandemic; 2. the State and healthcare organizations should adopt a “high expectations, no punishment” approach to absenteeism; 3. the State should set and communicate expectations that healthcare institutions have adequate medical supplies and that these institutions ensure these supplies be made available to all personnel expected to interact with patients; and 4. the State should encourage healthcare institutions to establish clear policies for determining sanctions for noncompliance with expected responsibilities that are both fair and responsive to exceptional circumstances.en-USPandemic influenzaPandemic fluEpidemicsPublic healthEthical issuesIndianaPandemic flu preparedness: ethical issues and recommendations to the Indiana State Department of HealthBook