Klimek, SlawomirMcBride, MattPeoples, John Wilson2020-07-102020-07-102019Klimek, S., McBride, M., & Peoples, J. W. (2019). A Note on Spectral Triples on the Quantum Disk. SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 15, 043. https://doi.org/10.3842/SIGMA.2019.043https://hdl.handle.net/1805/23224By modifying the ideas from our previous paper [SIGMA 13 (2017), 075, 26 pages, arXiv:1705.04005], we construct spectral triples from implementations of covariant derivations on the quantum disk.enPublisher Policyinvariant and covariant derivationsspectral triplequantum diskA Note on Spectral Triples on the Quantum DiskArticle