Hook, Sara AnneSmith, Michael B.Dossa, Aly2016-01-052016-01-052015Smith, M.B., Hook, S.A. and Dossa, A. Chapter 13: Intellectual Property Issues Raised by E-mail. IN Intellectual Property Law in Cyberspace, 2nd ed. 2015 Cumulative Supplement. Arlington, VA: Bloomberg BNA, 2015. Copyright Bloomberg BNA 2015, reprinted with permission. Can be ordered at www.bna.com/bnabooks/ipsi. Hook contributed Section II of Chapter 13.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/7885en-USEmailPrivacyDocument retention policiesDiscoveryAttorney-client privilegePossession/custody/controlCross-border issuesIntellectual Property Law in Cyberspace, 2nd ed. 2015 Cummulative SupplementBook chapter