Dounay, Amy B.O'Donnell, Martin J.Samaritoni, J. GenoPopiolek, LukaszSchirch, DouglasBiernasiuk, AnnaMalm, AnnaLamb, Isaac W.Mudrack, KristenRivera, Daniel G.Ojeda, Gerardo M.Scott, William L.2020-02-272020-02-272019-06Dounay, A. B., O’Donnell, M. J., Samaritoni, J. G., Popiolek, L., Schirch, D., Biernasiuk, A., … Scott, W. L. (2019). Globally Distributed Drug Discovery of New Antibiotics: Design and Combinatorial Synthesis of Amino Acid Derivatives in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education, 96(8), 1731–1737. experiment for the synthesis of N-acyl derivatives of natural amino acids has been developed as part of the Distributed Drug Discovery (D3) program. Students use solid-phase synthesis techniques to complete a three-step, combinatorial synthesis of six products, which are analyzed using LC–MS and NMR spectroscopy. This protocol is suitable for introductory organic laboratory students and has been successfully implemented at multiple academic sites internationally. Accompanying prelab activities introduce students to SciFinder and to medicinal chemistry design principles. Pairing of these activities with the laboratory work provides students an authentic and cohesive research project experience.enPublisher Policylaboratory instructionhands-on learning/manipulativessecond-year undergraduateGlobally Distributed Drug Discovery of New Antibiotics: Design and Combinatorial Synthesis of Amino Acid Derivatives in the Organic Chemistry LaboratoryArticle