Wood, Elizabeth2017-03-302017-03-302015Wood, E. (2015). Defining the Scope of Your Evaluation. Journal of Museum Education, 40(1), 13-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10598650.2015.11510828https://hdl.handle.net/1805/12156One challenge of conducting evaluations is finding the right questions to guide the work. A clear purpose for a study gives the evaluator a good sense of what information can answer the questions, and helps frame the scope of the project as a whole. Knowing the scope of the evaluation project provides a sense of the resources needed. A common pitfall for those getting started with evaluation is trying to carry out a project before thinking about the overall purpose of the evaluation. This article provides a brief overview of defining clear and concise evaluation questions and thinking about the overall scope of an evaluation project. Examples include questions and strategies used in small, medium, and large-scale studies.enIUPUI Open Access Policyevaluation planningmuseum evaluationDefining the Scope of Your EvaluationArticle