Shah, PrashamEl-Sharkawy, Mohamed2022-02-182022-02-182020-09Shah, P., & El-Sharkawy, M. (2020). R-MnasNet: Reduced MnasNet for Computer Vision. 2020 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), 1–5. Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used for Computer Vision applications. With the advent of new technology, there is an inevitable necessity for CNNs to be computationally less expensive. It has become a key factor in determining its competence. CNN models must be compact in size and work efficiently when deployed on embedded systems. In order to achieve this goal, researchers have invented new algorithms which make CNNs lightweight yet accurate enough to be used for applications like object detection. In this paper, we have tried to do the same by modifying an architecture to make it compact with a fair trade-off between model size and accuracy. A new architecture, R-MnasNet (Reduced MnasNet), has been introduced which has a model size of 3 MB. It is trained on CIFAR-10 [4] and has a validation accuracy of 91.13%. Whereas the baseline architecture, MnasNet [1], has a model size of 12.7 MB with a validation accuracy of 80.8% when trained with CIFAR-10 dataset. R-MnasNet can be used on resource-constrained devices. It can be deployed on embedded systems for vision applications.enPublisher Policyconvolutional neural networkscomputer visionR-MnasNetR-MnasNet: Reduced MnasNet for Computer VisionConference proceedings