Snajdr, Eric2013-04-262013-04-262011Behavioral data - management, archiving, and sharing: advantages of using a library online repository. Joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference and the Animal Behavior Society. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, July 25th - July 30th, 2011. Contributed Poster. poster was presented at the Joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference and the Animal Behavior Society. Bloomington, Indiana, July, 2011An often-overlooked aspect of scientific research in animal behavior has been the preservation of data and gray literature (unpublished products) that lie behind the scenes of the research. If preserved, many of these materials could likely be of use to the present and future scientific community. Institutional repositories of college and research libraries can play an important role in this regard. Unlike lab web pages, institutional repositories provide a permanent location for research products. Files are stored in optimal formats and are managed such that access will be possible far into the future. In addition, repositories provide support for the creation of descriptive information (metadata) for making mounted works findable by others (e.g. through search engines). Restrictions on access (embargo periods) can be placed. A research lab at Indiana University is using their campus institutional repository to archive data and gray literature from long-term studies on songbird behavior. Examples of items preserved are protocols, yearly goals, and field notes. The group is currently working to preserve various data, summaries, and media related to their research. en-USData managementAnimal behavior -- ResearchDigital preservationInstitutional repositoriesBehavioral data - management, archiving, and sharing: advantages of using a library online repositoryOther