Ernst, Judith A.Ettyang, GraceJohnson, CynthiaNyandiko, WinstoneSiika, AbrahamNeumann, Charlotte2017-07-252017-07-252012-04-23Ernst J, Ettyang G, Johnson C, Nyandiko W, Siika A, Neumann C. Hand grip strength and body composition in HIV-infected rural Kenyan women. Abstract presented April 23, as a poster at the Experimental Biology Meeting ( FASEB)held in San Diego, CA, April 21-25, 2012 determine if meat in the diets of HIV infected rural Kenyan women prevents the loss of strength and body mass in those not yet ill enough to warrant antiretroviral drugs.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesHIVHand StrengthNutritional StatusBody CompositionKenyaHand Grip Strength and Body Composition in HIV-Infected Rural Kenyan WomenPoster