Osili, UnaKing, DavidZarins, SashaBergdoll, JonathanSt. Claire, MalloryClark, ChelseaAustin, ThadRichardson, AyanaLittlepage, LauraAckerman, JacquelineKou, XionanDavenport, AlexisTian, Yuan2018-10-112018-10-112018-10-11https://hdl.handle.net/1805/17511The Center for FaithJustice (CFJ) offers innovative programs that engage youth in faith, service, and social justice. With the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI, they developed a survey to evaluate their programs and measure their longitudinal impact on alumni in those three focus areas. This report will offer related insights on youth engagement and suggest how CFJ’s programs relate to larger trends of youth disaffiliation within the Catholic Church. This study examines survey results from alumni and parents of alumni of CFJ’s youth programs, which are collectively called the “WorX” programs. These include curricula for middle school students (ServiceworX), high school students (JusticeworX, New Jersey Service Project/NJSP, MercyworX, and CommunityworX), young adults (LeaderworX), and adults (FaithJustice Fellows and adult volunteers). The results of this study focused on CFJ’s three core areas of interest: faith, service, and social justice.en-USfaithsocial justiceCatholicyouthserviceCenter for FaithJusticeWhat WorX: Measuring the impact of faith-based service and social justice programs on Catholic youthWorking Paper