Gunderman, Richard B.Idahosa, Aimebenomon O.2018-04-242018-04-242018-01Gunderman, R. B., & Idahosa, A. O. (2018). How Art Can Educate the Radiologist’s Eye: Duchamp’s “Nude Descending a Staircase.” Academic Radiology, 25(1), 136–138.'s “Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2” was dubbed one of the most famous and controversial paintings of its day (1). Along with the cubist school of which it was a part, it helped to change the way artists and the public perceived art, and its influence persists down to the present day (2). Less known but no less notable is the fact that “Nude Descending” also offers important educational insights to radiologists, particularly regarding the daily work of radiologic interpretation.enPublisher PolicyartperceptionDuchampradiologyHow Art Can Educate the Radiologist's Eye: Duchamp's “Nude Descending a Staircase”Article