Sorge, BrandonFore, Grant AlanWilliamson, Francesca ArielleAngstmann, Julia2023-11-172023-11-172022Sorge, B., Fore, G. A., Williamson, F. A., & Angstmann, J. (2022). Place-Based Experiential Learning: A Pathway to Sustainability and Environmental Literacy. 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. implemented effectively, Place-Based Experiential Learning (PBEL) pedagogies have been shown through different studies to enhance student content knowledge, course engagement, critical thinking skills, and civic-mindedness. This research followed 10 semester-long university courses, during one academic year, implementing PBEL pedagogies with a focus on urban farming. Courses came from a wide array of disciplines including courses focused on science, technology, engineering, or mathematics as well as many non-STEM courses. Students completed pre- and post-assessments to measure change in civic-mindedness, place attachment, situated sustainability meaning-making, and environmental scientific literacy. Statistically significant positive change with small to moderate effect sizes were found in student’s environmental scientific literacy, situated sustainability meaning-making, place attachment, and civic-mindedness.en-USPublisher PolicyPlace-Based Experiential Learning (PBEL) pedagogiesurban farmingenvironmental scientific literacysituated sustainability meaning-makingplace attachmentcivic-mindednessPlace-Based Experiential Learning: A Pathway to Sustainability and Environmental LiteracyArticle