Dundar, MuratLi, LinRajwa, Bartek2018-08-292018-08-292013Dundar, M., Li, L., & Rajwa, B. (2013). Partially-observed models for classifying minerals on Mars. In 2013 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) (pp. 1–4). https://doi.org/10.1109/WHISPERS.2013.8080750https://hdl.handle.net/1805/17207The identification of phyllosilicates by NASA's CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars) strongly suggests the presence of water-related geological processes. A variety of water-bearing phyllosilicate minerals have already been identified by several research groups utilizing spectral enrichment techniques and matching phyllosilicate-rich regions on the Martian surface to known spectra of minerals found on earth. However, fully automated analysis of the CRISM data remains a challenge for two main reasons. First, there is significant variability in the spectral signature of the same mineral obtained from different regions on the Martian surface. Second, the list of mineral confirmed to date constituting the set of training classes is not exhaustive. Thus, when classifying new regions, using a classifier trained with selected minerals and chemicals, one must consider the potential presence of unknown materials not represented in the training library. We made an initial attempt to study these problems in the context of our recent work on partially-observed classification models and present results that show the utility of such models in identifying spectra of unknown minerals while simultaneously recognizing spectra of known minerals.enPublisher Policysemi-supervised learningunknown class discoveryMarsPartially-observed models for classifying minerals on MarsArticle