United States. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research2006-07-182006-07-182006-07-18DHEW Publication no. OS 76-128https://hdl.handle.net/1805/615This is the appendix to the 'Reports and recommendations: research on the fetus'. This appendix contains multiple parts. Each part equates to a file. Files include parts 1-16.Part 1 of this report discusses human fetal research. Part 2 explores the value of life. Part 3 considers an ethical appraisal. Part 4 discusses balancing need for experimentation versus obligation to the fetus. Part 5 proposes fetal research policy. Part 6 discusses moral issues. Part 7 nonviable fetus research. Part 8 covers ethical and public policy. Part 9 explores ethical issues concerning the nonviable fetus. Part 10 discusses moral issues and institutional control. Part 11 discusses defining death in fetuses. Part 12 reports on distinguishing between viable and nonviable. Part 13 relates to the law on fetus experimentation. Part 14 reports on the legal issues involved in research on the fetus. Part 15 assesses the Batelle Report and the Cook Critique. Part 16 covers the stability of the decision to seek induced abortion.60123651 bytesapplication/pdfen-USAbortionPregnancyFetusAbortion counselingAbortion servicesRubellaRubellaAmniocentesisRh IsoimmunizationRespiratory Distress Syndrome, AdultRespiratory Distress Syndrome, NewbornModels, AnimalFetusReports and recommendations: research on the fetus appendix -- Part 15Technical ReportAmniocentesis 15.2Fetus, Research on 18.5.4 (18.5.3)Health Care for Fetuses 9.5.8Animal Experimentation 22.2Animal Rights, General 22.1Laboratory Animals 22.2Bioethics Proceedings 2.3