Eppstein, Andrew CurtissMunshi, Imtiaz A.Sakamato, BryanGwirtz, Kenneth2015-11-192015-11-192015-02Eppstein, A. C., Munshi, I. A., Sakamoto, B., & Gwirtz, K. (2015). Ultrasonography-Guided Identification With Methylene Blue Tattooing of the Ilioinguinal Nerve for Neurectomy for Chronic Pain: A Case Series. JAMA Surgery, 150(2), 180–182. http://doi.org/10.1001/jamasurg.2014.1098https://hdl.handle.net/1805/7510Chronic ilioinguinal pain is a common but morbid complication of inguinal herniorrhaphy for 12% to 62% of patients.1 Although pharmacologic options exist (such as nerve blocks), long-term pain relief is inferior to surgical neurectomy.2,3 We present our experience in ilioinguinal neurectomy with preoperative ultrasonography-guided identification and perineural injection of methylene blue to tattoo the nerve.en-USPublisher PolicyChronic ilioinguinal paininguinal herniorrhaphymethylene blue tattooingUltrasonography-Guided Identification With Methylene Blue Tattooing of the Ilioinguinal Nerve for Neurectomy for Chronic Pain: A Case SeriesArticle