Leigh, HeatherWheat, Lexie2020-09-172020-09-172020https://hdl.handle.net/1805/23861This study used an integrative literature review to connect the topics of domestic violence against women, feminist theory, and art therapy as a foundation for creating a feminist-informed art therapy program for women survivors of domestic violence. The theoretical integration of feminist perspective and art therapy for the treatment of domestic violence is not currently found in the literature. Since domestic violence is a systemic, gender-based issue, a feminist approach to survivors' mental health would be beneficial, given its understanding that social injustices have a significant impact on an individual's well-being. Art therapy additionally provides a non-verbal, non-threatening form of treatment that aids in self-expression and processing of traumatic experiences. Three key feminist principles provide a framework for the proposed program: (1) the personal is political and critical consciousness, (2) a focus on strengths, and (3) commitment to social change. Services include individual and group art therapy sessions, proposed for a domestic violence shelter. While the program is designed for survivors of domestic violence, a feminist-informed art therapy program will aid in the trauma-based stages of recovery and can be used for situations of sexual assault, stalking, or any other violence against women.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalDomestic violenceTraumaWomenFeminist theoryArt therapyFeminist Informed Art Therapy Program for Survivors of Domestic Violence