Indiana State Board of Health2011-01-312011-01-311908Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1908)10(7): 69-84.0019-6754 and the Bacillus p. 69 / Abstract of mortality statistics for July 1908 p. 69 / Summary of morbidity and mortality in July p. 70 / Smallpox p. 70 / Tuberculosis p. 70 / Typhoid fever p. 70 / Pneumonia p. 70 / Deaths by violence p. 70 / Births in July p. 70 / Sanitary activity in Ft. Wayne p. 71 / County Schoolhouses p. 72 / Sanitary privies p. 73 / Transcripts of birth certificates needed p. 74 / Beanblossom Township Schoolhouse p. 74 / Stray Thoughts p. 76 / Fostering invalidism p. 77 / Killing school children p. 78 / Unsanitary slaughterhouses p. 79 / The Influence of the Society of Healthy Persons p. 79 / Bacillus carriers p. 80 / At Royal Center p. 80 / Chart showing geographical distribution of deaths from certain communicable diseases in July 1908 p. 81 / Deaths in Indiana by counties during the month of July 1908 p. 82 / Deaths in Indiana by cities during the month of July 1908 p. 83 / Mortality of Indiana for July p. 84 / Meteorological summary for July 1908 p. 84IndianaAccidental FallsAccidents, RailroadAge-specific death rateAllen CountyAlternative MedicineAnimal-Related DeathsAnti-VaccinationBacillusBaldwin, L.J.Beanblossom Township (Monroe County)Birth CertificatesBreast FeedingBurn InjuriesCable Cars (Streetcars)Carbolic AcidCarrier StateCass CountyCause-specific mortality rateChildren's MedicinesClothingCondemnationConrad, E.M.CovingtonCrawford CountyDescriptive StatisticsDesksDiphtheriaDisease PreventionDivorceDrowningDrug SamplesDustEarth ClosetsEditorialsEthicsFines and RecoveriesFirearm DeathsFloors and FloorcoveringsFort WayneFort Wayne Health DepartmentFountain CountyFracturesFrostbiteGaty, WellingtonHamilton CountyHangingHealth LegislationHealth PromotionHealthy LivingHomicideHorsesHortonvilleHouse CleaningHousedustHousing, SubstandardInfant CareInfant mortality rateInfantsLightning InjuriesMachinery-Related InjuriesMadison CountyMarriageMilkMilltownMonroe CountyOpiumOuthousesPhysiciansPneumoniaPoisoningPriviesPublic NuisancesRoyal CenterSanitationSatireSchool Age ChildrenSchool BuildingsSlaughterers and Meat PackersSmallpoxSpecialties, MedicalStab WoundsStrychnineSuicideSunstrokeThumbsuckingToilet FacilitiesToilet PaperTuberculosisTyphoidVentilationViolenceWaste Disposal, SolidWater, Sewage and other SystemsWolcottvilleIndiana State Board of Health Monthly Bulletin, 1908 Vol. 10 No. 7