Annie, DeRolfFischer, Keeley S.Vest, Breea2024-09-302024-09-302023-05 University Purdue University IndianapolisCommunity reentry is the process of reintegrating individuals who have been incarcerated back into society. It is a challenging process that requires a multitude of resources to be successful. Unfortunately, individuals who have been released from jail or prison lack the necessary resources for successful reentry. Individuals with justice system involvement commonly face external barriers such as discrimination in housing, employment, and education. Common internal barriers include negative or limiting personal beliefs, roles, and habits. For mothers who have been incarcerated, the community reentry process can be particularly difficult, facing unique challenges related to their role as caregivers. Judgment and stigma from society, along with mothers often bearing the primary responsibility for the care and well-being of their children, often results in increased difficulty securing stable housing, employment, and access to resources required for the care and provide for their children.en-USAttribution 4.0 Internationalcommunity reentrymotherhoodincarcerationstigmatraumaintergenerational traumaEffects of Intergenerational Trauma on Motherhood Post Incarceration: Implications for Occupational Therapy Services During the Reentry Process