Okoro, IyabodeChong, AlexanderGonzalez, AndreaFeliciano, AnnaShariff, Faisal2020-08-172020-08-172020-03-06https://hdl.handle.net/1805/23626Presented as a poster at 2020 IUSM Education Day.In 2016 IUSM Faculty Steering Committee tasked the Ad-hoc Student Success Committee to explore medical student success and factors that impact academic success at Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM). The committee identified that the most important early predicator of success, at IUSM, was student performance in the first year and they went further to make recommendations. Among the five recommendations made was, adopting a Head Start Summer Prep Session which led to the pilot of a Pre-Matriculation program in July 2019. A one-week pre-matriculation program was piloted for newly admitted first year students and the impact of the program on student success in the first semester was assessed. The program sought to take a broader approach by seeking to expose students to what to expect in first year medical school courses; instilling good study habits, beginning the development of social networks, while at the same time emphasizing wellness.en-USmedical educationDeveloping A Pilot Pre-Matriculation Program: Lessons LearnedPoster