Sadiq, Abdul-AkeemTharp, KevinGraham, John D.2016-02-182016-02-182016Sadiq, A.-A., Tharp, K., & Graham, J. D. (2016). FEMA versus local governments: influence and reliance in disaster preparedness. Natural Hazards. study uses an experimental approach to examine whether disaster information sourced to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) influences intentions to adopt hazard adjustments. Survey questions are also used to determine whether individuals rely more on FEMA or local governments when preparing for disasters. Using an online sample of 2008 US employees, the results indicate that information sourced to FEMA is no more influential than information sourced to local governments and that individuals rely less on FEMA than on local agencies during disaster preparedness. These results have significant implications for practice and future research on natural hazard preparedness.en-USIUPUI Open Access PolicyNatural hazardsDisastersFEMAPreparednessLocal governmentFEMA versus local governments: Influence and reliance in disaster preparednessArticle