Kochhar, KomalCico, Stephen JWhitaker, Nash PPettit, Katie EBrokaw, James JNabhan, Zeina M2023-07-052023-07-052023-07-05Medical Science Educator, 2023https://hdl.handle.net/1805/34104We implemented an online Resident-as-Teacher curriculum for all incoming residents (PGY1s) to provide them with a basic foundation for effective teaching in the clinical learning environment. The curriculum consisted of 5 asynchronous modules delivered via the web from 2017-2021. Prior to starting the course, the PGY1s completed a self-assessment of their teaching ability (pre-test) and then again 7-8 months after completing the course (post-test). Analysis of the paired data from 421 PGY1s showed a statistically significant improvement in the self-ratings of their teaching from pre-test to post-test (p < 0.001). Our findings suggest that an online Resident-as-Teacher curriculum can produce lasting benefits in new residents’ self-confidence as educators.en-USResident as TeacherAsynchronous InstructionProgram EvaluationClinical TeachingAn Online Resident-as-Teacher Curriculum Improves First-Year Residents’ Self-Confidence Teaching in the Clinical Learning EnvironmentArticle