Geszten, DalmaKomlódi, AnitaHercegfi, KárolyHámornik, BalázsYoung, AlysonKöles, MátéLutters, Wayne G.2019-09-122019-09-122018Geszten, D., Komlódi, A., Hercegfi, K., Hámornik, B., Young, A., Köles, M., & Lutters, W. G. (2018). A content-analysis approach for exploring usability problems in a collaborative virtual environment. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 15(5), 67–88. Virtual Reality (VR) products are becoming more widely available in the consumer market, improving the usability of these devices and environments is crucial. In this paper, we are going to introduce a framework for the usability evaluation of collaborative 3D virtual environments based on a large-scale usability study of a mixedmodality collaborative VR system. We first review previous literature about important usability issues related to collaborative 3D virtual environments, supplemented with our research in which we conducted 122 interviews after participants solved a collaborative virtual reality task. Then, building on the literature review and our results, we extend previous usability frameworks. We identified twelve different usability problems, and based on the causes of the problems, we grouped them into three main categories: VR environment-, device interaction-, and task-specific problems. The framework can be used to guide the usability evaluation of collaborative VR environments.enPublisher Policyvirtual realityusability evaluationcontent-analysisA Content-Analysis Approach for Exploring Usability Problems in a Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentArticle