Vilseck, Jonah Z.Cervantes, Luis F.Hayes, Ryan L.Brooks, Charles L., III.2023-09-252023-09-252022Vilseck JZ, Cervantes LF, Hayes RL, Brooks CL 3rd. Optimizing Multisite λ-Dynamics Throughput with Charge Renormalization. J Chem Inf Model. 2022;62(6):1479-1488. doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.2c00047 the ability to sample combinations of alchemical perturbations at multiple sites off a small molecule core, multisite λ-dynamics (MSλD) has become an attractive alternative to conventional alchemical free energy methods for exploring large combinatorial chemical spaces. However, current software implementations dictate that combinatorial sampling with MSλD must be performed with a multiple topology model (MTM), which is nontrivial to create by hand, especially for a series of ligand analogues which may have diverse functional groups attached. This work introduces an automated workflow, referred to as msld_py_prep, to assist in the creation of a MTM for use with MSλD. One approach for partitioning partial atomic charges between ligands to create a MTM, called charge renormalization, is also presented and rigorously evaluated. We find that msld_py_prep greatly accelerates the preparation of MSλD ready-to-use files and that charge renormalization can provide a successful approach for MTM generation, as long as bookending calculations are applied to correct small differences introduced by charge renormalization. Charge renormalization also facilitates the use of many different force field parameters with MSλD, broadening the applicability of MSλD for computer-aided drug design.en-USPublisher PolicyDrug designEntropyLigandsMolecular dynamics simulationThermodynamicsOptimizing Multisite λ-Dynamics Throughput with Charge RenormalizationArticle