Osili, Una O.Pruitt, AnnaBergdoll, JonathanKou, XiaonanDaniels, DianthaDavis Kalugyer, Adriene2022-03-312022-03-312022-03Osili, U.O., Pruitt, A., Bergdoll, J., Kou, X., Daniels, D., & Davis Kalugyer, A. (2022 March). Giving in Florida. IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/28368Giving in Florida aims to increase the understanding of philanthropy and provide the region’s nonprofit sector, donors, and policy makers with valuable research allowing them to understand the motives and incentives behind individuals’ charitable giving behavior. The study also provides analysis of how giving and volunteering patterns change with different donor demographics with the goal of encouraging the nonprofit sector to better connect with a wider range of donors.en-USFloridaNonprofit sectorPhilanthropyGiving in FloridaReport