Smith, Asa B.Barton, Debra L.Davis, MatthewJackson, Elizabeth A.Smith, JacquiWittmann, Daniela2024-03-122024-03-122022Smith AB, Barton DL, Davis M, Jackson EA, Smith J, Wittmann D. A Preliminary Study of Short-Term Sexual Function and Satisfaction Among Men Post-Myocardial Infarction [published correction appears in J Holist Nurs. 2022 Sep;40(3):NP1-NP5]. J Holist Nurs. 2022;40(3):208-218. doi:10.1177/08980101211038085 is an important component of holistic quality of life, and myocardial infarction (MI) negatively influences many aspects of sexuality, including sexual function. However, there is limited literature that examines sexuality beyond the most basic physical components. This pilot study aimed to describe the relationships between the physical, psychologic, and social domains of holistic sexuality at an early timepoint post-MI. Adult men post-MI were mailed self-report surveys at two weeks post discharge. Physical domains of sexuality were measured with the arousal, orgasm, erection, lubrication, and pain subscales of the Male Sexual Function Index, (MSFI). The social domain utilized the sexual satisfaction subscale of the MSFI. The psychologic domain included the desire subscale of the MSFI and sexual fear (Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire (MSQ)). Spearman correlations were estimated to examine associations among the different measurement subscales. Twenty-four men post-MI were analyzed. Average scores on the MSFI were 9.2 (SD 7.7). Desire and satisfaction were the highest scoring subscales among men when compared with other subscales (i.e., erection, lubrication). There was minimal evidence supporting a relationship between sexual fear and function. Additional research is also needed with larger samples, and among women post-MI.en-USPublisher PolicySexual dysfunctionPhysiologicalMyocardial infarctionFearSexual satisfactionA Preliminary Study of Short-Term Sexual Function and Satisfaction among Men Post-Myocardial InfarctionArticle