Walton, BettyHong, SaahoonKwon, HyejeanKim, Hea-WonMoynihan, Stephanie2024-09-252024-09-252024-09Walton, B. Hong, S., Kwon, H., Kim, H., & Moynihan, S. (2024). Longitudinal patterns of strengths among youth with psychiatric disorders: A latent profile analysis. (Research Brief No. 1). Indiana University School of Social Work.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/43598Human service agencies have historically prioritized interventions mitigating risks rather than leveraging youth and family strengths. For youth with psychiatric disorders, better understanding the variability of strengths is crucial. Strength-based interventions include many dimensions: family strengths, interpersonal relationships, optimism, spirituality, talents and interests, educational setting, involvement in care, natural supports, community engagement, and resilience. A study examined how strengths were related to recovery. This research brief summarizes the study's findings and implications for child behavioral health services.en-USStrengthsLongitudinal studyOutcomesLongitudinal Patterns of Strengths among Youth with Psychiatric Disorders: A Latent Profile Transition Analysis