Benjamin, Lehn M.2023-07-182023-07-182008Benjamin, L. M. (2008). Bearing More Risk for Results: Performance Accountability and Nonprofit Relational Work. Administration & Society, 39(8), 959–983. accountability systems require nonprofits to bear more risk for achieving results. Although a growing body of work has examined nonprofit accountability, less attention has been given to the concept of risk. This article points to a potential conflict between performance accountability frameworks and nonprofit work. This conflict can be best understood as a one between managing risk in task-driven relationships, in which relationships are formed simply to achieve desirable results, and managing risk in developmentally driven relationships, in which performing a task is intended not only to achieve desirable results but also to build enduring capacity to take action on common problems.en-USPublisher Policynonprofitsaccountabilityperformance measurementsocial capitalBearing More Risk for Results: Performance Accountability and Nonprofit Relational WorkArticle