Melton, Genevieve B.Cimino, James J.Lehmann, Christoph U.Sengstack, Patricia R.Smith, Joshua C.Tierney, William M.Miller, Randolph A.2024-05-312024-05-312022Melton GB, Cimino JJ, Lehmann CU, et al. Do electronic health record systems "dumb down" clinicians? [published correction appears in J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022 Nov 14;29(12):2207]. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022;30(1):172-177. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocac163 panel sponsored by the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) at the 2021 AMIA Symposium addressed the provocative question: "Are Electronic Health Records dumbing down clinicians?" After reviewing electronic health record (EHR) development and evolution, the panel discussed how EHR use can impair care delivery. Both suboptimal functionality during EHR use and longer-term effects outside of EHR use can reduce clinicians' efficiencies, reasoning abilities, and knowledge. Panel members explored potential solutions to problems discussed. Progress will require significant engagement from clinician-users, educators, health systems, commercial vendors, regulators, and policy makers. Future EHR systems must become more user-focused and scalable and enable providers to work smarter to deliver improved care.en-USPublisher PolicyHITECH act (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)BurnoutCognitionDocumentationElectronic health recordsProfessionalPsychologicalDo electronic health record systems "dumb down" clinicians?Article