Jagannath, Ravichandra R.Newman, KyleStockett, Paul W.Wu, PuyuanBane, Sally P. M.Nalim, M. Razi2017-12-142017-12-142017-01Jagannath, R., Newnam, K., Stockett, P., Wu, P., Bane, S. P., & Nalim, M. R. (2017). Volumetric Plasma Discharge in a Coaxial Electrode Configuration Using Repetitively Pulsed Nanosecond Discharges. In 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2017-1974https://hdl.handle.net/1805/14809Transient plasma discharges can be created in di erent electrode geometries and the use of a coaxial electrodes can assist in initiating ignition at multiple points at the same time to create volumetric ignition. The current study investigates discharge formation in a coaxial electrode in quiescent, atmoshpheric and non-reacting conditions. This is the rst systematic study to understand the behavior of such a discharge as a function of di erent pulse parameters like pulse width (40-110 ns), repetition frequency (1-50 kHz) and input voltage (14-20 kV). Additionally, the polarity of the central electrode was changed between positive and negative. An intensi ed ccd camera was used to visualize the discharge for- mation. The exposure of the camera is set to capture 500 discharges in a single frame. The discharges were found to behave di erently for positive and negative polarity discharges. The positive polarity discharge tends to form a strong arc and spins around the outer cylinder which is con rmed using a high speed camera. The negative polarity discharges form a uniform streamer discharge for most of the pulse parameters. The current study has provided an initial understanding of the dynamics of plasma discharges in a coaxial electrode.enPublisher Policyvolumetric plasma dischargecoaxial electrode configurationnanosecond pulsersVolumetric Plasma Discharge in a Coaxial Electrode Configuration Using Repetitively Pulsed Nanosecond DischargesConference proceedings