Demirel-Pegg, Tijen2020-07-312020-07-312019Demirel-Pegg, T. (2019). “Populism” versus “Popular”: A Response to Ziarek’s “Populism—A Crux or Crisis of Politics?” Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 102(23), 152–157. article discusses two main issues Ziarek highlights regarding populist social movements. The first one is the exclusionary stance populist movements take when contending for power in a democratic society. The second one is the repressive response to contenders when populist movements are in power. The underlying characteristic in both issues is that populists movements assume an anti-pluralist stance against other contending alternatives. Therefore, the distinction between “popular” and “populist” is an important one.enPublisher Policypopulismsocial movementsrepression“Populism” versus “Popular”: A Response to Ziarek’s “Populism—A Crux or Crisis of Politics?”Article